Apa Itu Triple Double Di Basket
Prolific Players to Know
Are you inspired to go for a double double or a triple double at your next game? Take a look at some of the greatest in the game for inspiration!
What Is a Double Double in Basketball?
What is a double double in basketball? Put simply, this occurs when a player has scored in the double digits in two of the main five statistical categories listed above, all in a single game. For instance, they might score 10 rebounds and 10 assists.
What about steals and blocks? Even if the player didn’t score at all in those categories, they would still have enough to be considered a double double. The only requirement is to make it to the double digits in two categories — it doesn’t matter which categories those are.
For players in power forward and center positions, the most common double double combinations are points and rebounds. For guards, the two categories are usually points and assists. It’s rare for a player to reach double digits in steals or blocks.
Are Double Doubles and Triple Doubles Common?
For aspiring basketball players, the idea of reaching a double double or triple double may seem out of reach. Years ago, that might have been the case.
However, you may have noticed that players are achieving this stat line on a more frequent basis. Have the game or the criteria changed? Not exactly, but there are two possible explanations for why this is occurring.
Some experts explain that doubles are more common now because the pace of the standard NBA game has increased. In basketball terms, pace refers to the average number of possessions each team uses per game. Over the past few seasons, the standard league pace has been higher than it’s been in the past few decades.
Understanding this helps us see why there are more doubles per game. The more possessions a team has, the greater number of opportunities it has to achieve stats.
Other analysts explain that the uptick in double doubles and triple doubles is due to the positionless nature of the modern NBA game.
Today, it’s easier for basketball players in all positions to put up stats, even ones that aren’t usually associated with their specific position. Take rebounds, for instance.
Decades ago, there would be towering power forwards putting up a majority of a team’s rebounds, along with some scoring in the paint. Now, even the smallest players have a chance to score a rebound, as more and more teams utilize team-oriented offenses like five-outs, shooting three-pointers that leave the rebound open.
With an increase in ball and player movement and five designated shooters on the team, it’s more common for players to score in statistical categories, especially points and assists.
Tips for Scoring a Double Double or Triple Double
Do you want to increase your odds of scoring a double double or triple double the next time you hit the court? To get there, it’s important to be as versatile and multi-skilled as possible.
If you’re a single-facet player, you’ll naturally have fewer opportunities to impact the game. Instead of laser-focusing on one skill, such as shooting, look to become as useful in the paint as possible.
For instance, expert shooters should spend some time learning how to properly dribble and pass. If you’re used to landing all the rebounds, start fine-tuning your scoring techniques. The wider your breadth of skill and knowledge becomes, the more game time you’ll see from your coaches and the easier it will be to build your stats.
First (and Only) Recorded Quintuple Double: Wilt Chamberlain
What about that elusive quintuple double? Allegedly, the only player in the NBA to ever rank that high was Wilt Chamberlain, when he played as a center for the Philadelphia 76ers back in March of 1968. On March 12, Chamberlain dropped 53 points, 32 rebounds, 14 assists, 24 blocks, and 11 steals in a showoff against the LA Lakers, leading the 76ers to a 158-128 win.
However, the NBA didn’t officially record steals and blocks, so the report remains unofficial.
Youngest Player to Score Triple Double: Josh Giddey
On January 2, 2022, Josh Giddey, the Australian shooting guard for the Oklahoma City Thunder, made NBA history. Though the Thunder lost to the Dallas Mavericks 86 to 95, Giddey became the youngest player in the league’s history to record a triple double.
In that game, Giddey scored an impressive 17 points, 14 assists, and 13 rebounds. At the time, he was just 19 years and 84 days old. His age put Giddey just ahead of the previous record-holder, Charlotte Hornets’ LaMelo Ball. When he was 19 years and 140 days old, Ball scored his first triple double in January 2021.
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Triple-double adalah salah satu istilah prestisius dalam permainan bola basket. Seorang pemain dikatakan mengukir triple-double jika berhasil membukukan dua digit untuk setiap kategori statistik yang dicatat saat bermain basket dalam satu pertandingan.
Dalam permainan basket, banyak istilah yang dituliskan ke dalam bentuk statistik. Selain nomor punggung pemain, ada juga nama pemain. Selain itu, waktu lamanya bermain.
Adapun catatan selama bermain yang masuk dalam statistik basket biasanya adalah poin. Ini tak lain adalah angka yang dicetak pemain, baik dari tembakan bebas atau free throw yang bernilai satu.
Kemudian, yang bernilai dua angka itu bisa lahir dari tembakan di bawah ring, lay up, maupun slam dunk. Kemudian, tiga poin lahir dari tembakan jarak jauh atau tripoin. Nantinya, statistik akan menggabungkan ketiga jenis poin ini lalu menjadi total angka yang dicetak pebasket dalam satu pertandingan.
Selain poin, ada istilah assist atau umpan yang berhasil menjadi poin. Pemain yang memberikan umpan kepada temannya yang berhasil mencetak angka, inilah yang dicatat di statistik sebagai assist.
Tidak semua pemain berhasil mencetak angka. Kadang, bola yang dilepaskan ke arah ring tidak melesak mulus. Bola memantul. Nah, pemain yang mendapatkan bola pantulan dari ring ini disebut melakukan rebound. Untuk pemain yang sedang menyerang dan mendapatkan rebound, disebut ofensif rebound sedangkan pemain bertahan yang dapat bola pantul disebut defensif rebound.
Hal positif lain yang dinilai dalam statistik basket adalah steal. Ini artinya, pemain bertahan mampu mencuri bola dari lawan yang sedang menguasai bola. Steal lebih sering dilakukan oleh pemain dengan posisi guard.
Catatan positif lainnya adalah block shoot. Pemain bertahan berhasil menepis bola yang sedang mengarah ke ring, tapi arah bola belum dalam posisi turun. Block ini lebih sering dilakukan pemain berposisi center atau forward. Istilahnya bigman yang bertugas menjaga ring timnya dari serangan lawan.
Kemudian, dari torehan, poin, assist, rebound, steal, dan block inilah seorang pemain basket bisa disebut meraih triple-double. Intinya, cap triple-double akan disematkan jika pemain mampu mencetak angka dua digit di tiga kategori. Umumnya, untuk kategori poin, assist, dan rebound.
Mencetak dua digit untuk steal dan block dikenal sangatlah sulit. Wajar, sangat jarang pemain basket mencetak dua digit untuk sepasang kategori tersebut dalam satu pertandingan. Untuk steal rata-rata lima saja sudah luar biasa, block lebih sulit lagi. Namun, tetap saja ada pemain basket khususnya di NBA yang pernah mencetak dua digit untuk kategori ini.
Pebasket umumnya hanya mencetak double-double, yakni dua digit untuk dua kategori. Namun, untuk triple-double cukup langka, tidak sebanyak double-double. Tapi, tentu yang lebih sulit lagi adalah quadruple-double.
Tercatat pebasket yang pernah mencetak quadruple-double, antara lain, Hakeem Olajuwon dengan torehan 18 poin, 10 assists, 16 rebounds, 11 blocks yang dicetak pada 29 Maret 1990 serta David Robinson yang meraih 34 poin, 10 assists, 10 rebounds, 10 blocks yang dibukukan pada 17 Februari 1994.
Sementara, untuk triple-double saat ini sudah cukup banyak pebasket yang berhasil mencetaknya dalam satu pertandingan. Pebasket aktif yang sering mencetak triple-double adalah guard Washington Wizards, Russel Westbrook. Namun, Westbrook dinilai banyak orang terlalu memikirkan catatan individu, yakni memburu triple-double dibandingkan membawa timnya meraih kemenangan.
Tak heran, catatan triple-double Westbrook terbilang luar biasa. Dia sekarang berada di posisi dua dalam sejarah NBA yang paling banyak menorehkan triple-double. Hingga April tahun ini, sudah 165 triple-double yang dicetak Westbrook selama 13 tahun kariernya di NBA. Peringkat pertama masih dipegang Oscar Robertson dengan 181 triple-double selama 24 tahun bermain di NBA.
Kini, makin banyak pemain NBA yang mampu membukukan triple-double. Pebasket Dallas Ambergris, Luca Doncic, yang baru memainkan tahun ketiga di NBA sudah mencatat 34 triple-double. Dengan Usia yang baru 21 tahun, tampaknya Doncic berpotensi menyodok ke papan atas raihan triple-double di masa mendatang.
Triple-double merupakan perolehan dua digit angka dalam tiga kategori statistik. Misalnya, dua digit poin, dua digit rebound, dan dua digit assist.
Mencetak triple-double tentu bukan hal yang mudah. Pemain basket mesti bekerja keras untuk mencapai itu. Namun, beberapa pemain muda di NBA rupanya berhasil mencetak rekor triple-double.
Nama termuda sekaligus terbaru yang berhasil mencatatkan triple-double di NBA ialah Josh Giddey. Pada laga Oklahoma City Thunder kontra Dallas Mavericks (3/1/2022), Giddey yang berstatus sebagai pemain termuda kedua di NBA musim ini berhasil menorehkan 17 poin, 13 rebound, dan 14 assist.
Keberhasilan Giddey mencatatkan triple-double dalam laga tersebut membuat ia menyalip torehan yang sempat dipegang LaMelo Ball. Point guard asal Australia ini berhasil mencatatkan triple-double ketika usianya masih 19 tahun 84 hari.
Kurang lebih setahun yang lalu, tepatnya pada 9 Januari 1 2021, LaMelo Ball sempat menjadi yang termuda dalam urusan mencetak triple-double. Itu terjadi kala timnya, Charlotte Hornets, bertemu dengan Atlanta Hawks. LaMelo berhasil mencatatkan 22 poin, 12 rebound, dan 11 assist.
Saat mencetak triple-double dalam laga tersebut, LaMelo Ball tercatat masih berusia 19 tahun 140 hari. Karena tergeser oleh Josh Giddey, kini LaMelo Ball tercatat sebagai pemain termuda kedua yang mencatatkan triple-double.
Baca Juga: Josh Giddey, Rookie Mengejutkan yang Buat Rekor Impresif di NBA
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Pemain nomor 1 pada NBA Draft 2017, Markelle Fultz, juga pernah menyandang gelar sebagai pemain termuda yang mencatatkan triple-double. Kala itu, Fultz masih berusia 19 tahun 317 hari dan masih bermain untuk Philadelpia 76ers.
Dalam laga antara Milwaukee Bucks dan Philadelpia 76ers pada 11 April 2018, Fultz mengumpulkan 13 poin, 10 rebound, dan 10 assist. Torehan tersebut mengantarkan Sixers unggul dari Bucks.
Luka Doncic sangat sering mencatatkan triple-double. Hingga saat ini, ia telah mencatatkan 38 triple-double, menjadikannya salah satu pemain aktif dengan jumlah triple-double terbanyak.
Triple-double pertama Doncic di NBA diraih pada 21 Januari 2019, ketika Dallas Mavericks bertemu dengan Milwaukee Bucks. Umurnya saat itu baru 19 tahun 327 hari. Doncic mencatatkan 18 poin, 11 rebound, dan 10 assist.
Kakak dari LaMelo Ball, Lonzo Ball, juga tercatat sebagai salah satu yang termuda dalam urusan triple-double. Saat masih berseragam Los Angeles Lakers, Lonzo berhasil mencatatkan 11 poin, 16 rebound, dan 11 assist ketika Lakers menang atas Denver Nuggets pada 19 November 2017.
Prestasi tersebut Lonzo catatkan ketika masih berusia 20 tahun 15 hari. Saat itu, ia berhasil menggeser posisi LeBron James dengan rekor usia 20 tahun 20 hari.
Itulah lima pemain termuda yang mencatatkan triple-double dalam sejarah NBA. Kelima nama dalam daftar ini merupakan pemain yang sering bermain di posisi point guard. Menurutmu, apakah posisi ini lebih memiliki peluang untuk mencetak triple-double ketimbang posisi lainnya?
Baca Juga: 10 Fakta LaMelo Ball, Bintang Muda Charlotte Hornets
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Although a triple-double is typically made up of points, assists, and rebounds, some have also been recorded that include blocks or steals in lieu of other categories.
In addition to the triple-double, double-doubles (double digits in two categories) and quadruple-doubles (double digits in four categories) are also recorded. So far, only four quadruple-doubles have been recorded in the NBA.
According to the San Francisco Chronicle, Wilt Chamberlain may have achieved a quintuple-double before such stats were recorded. No quintuple-double has ever been officially recorded in the NBA. Two have been recorded in high-school basketball, one by Tamika Catchings and another by Alex Montgomery, both of whom went to play in the WNBA.
More examples of triple-double:
“NBA Champ and 6x NBA All-Star, @Klow7, was all over the floor for the @Raptors as he posted his 15th career triple-double with 20 PTS, 10 REB, and 10 AST!” —@NBA_Philippines, May 2020
“Dallas Mavericks sensation Luka Doncic has been a triple-double machine since entering the league last season, which has put him in the record books multiple times over—he’s the second-youngest player to ever record one, and is the only teenager to have a 30-point triple-double, just to name a few.” —Jack Maloney, CBS Sports, February 2020
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Understanding Statistical Categories
To understand the difference between a triple double vs double double in basketball, it’s important to start with some baseline knowledge on how basketball stats work.
Put simply, there are five different individual stats in this sport. They include:
Those stats are tracked for every player, in each game. They’re displayed in the box score section. When a player makes it to double-digit stats in any of these statistical categories, it’s considered a double.
While that accomplishment is impressive enough on its own, there are some players who go above and beyond. This is where a triple double and a double double come in.
What Is a Triple Double in Basketball?
As you might expect, a triple double occurs when a basketball player scores in the double digits in three out of the five statistical categories. For instance, they may score 18 points, make 12 rebounds, and assist 10 shots.
As with a double double, a player can still achieve a triple double even if they don’t score in the other two statistical categories (steals and blocks). Most triple doubles feature some combination of points, rebounds, and assists. However, this doesn’t mean that the other combinations aren’t possible.
A player could technically achieve a triple double by racking up at least 10 points, blocks, and rebounds, for instance. Yet, this combination is relatively rare.
What Is a Quadruple Double?
As a little bonus round, let’s also take a look at what happens when a basketball player scores at least 10 in four of the statistical categories. Yes, you guessed it: This is known as a quadruple double!
This is a rare feat, usurped only by a quintuple double, in which a player scores in the double digits for all five statistical categories in a single game.